After conducting an extensive site survey, it was determined that there was water migration through the existing clip lock sheets over the main NMSCOM studios and control booths, with acoustic insulation was needed as the sound of rain hitting the roof was causing interference with the studios below.
Sanika Waterproofing Specialists found that an insulative waterproofing system needed to be installed to prevent any further water penetration and sound interference to the area below the affected Clip Lock roofing sheets. Designed and developed by Sanika Waterproofing Specialists over 20 years ago, the insulative boarded waterproofing roof cladding system eliminates water penetration and thermal radiation in any structure with a concrete, corrugated or IBR profile roof.
Designed and developed by Sanika Waterproofing Specialists over 20 years ago, this roof cladding system eliminates water penetration and thermal radiation in any structure with a concrete, corrugated or IBR profile roof